Legacies of Hope

Donors who thoughtfully include a gift to Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana in their will and estate plans are very special people. They look to the future and take action so that Cancer Services will be here to help others. These gifts can be as simple as a bequest named in the will or may involve insurance and trust plans. Individuals who make these gifts join other special donors in creating Legacies of Hope.

Making a bequest part of your will is an easy way to express your compassion and commitment to people in our community.

Suggested Language for a General, Unrestricted Bequest:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana, located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, or its successor, [PERCENTAGE OF RESIDUE, SUM OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY], which shall be used for such purposes as the board of directors may determine.”

We encourage you to discuss all of these options with your financial planner or attorney to make sure this is the correct option for you before making any decisions.

Please let Cancer Services know of your plans by calling us at (260) 484-9560 or completing the simple form below. We will be able to thank you now and recognize you as creating Legacies of Hope.