
November is Men’s Health Awareness month! Did you know one in two men is diagnosed with cancer in his lifetime? The good thing is, there are steps every man can take to live a longer life.

Show the dudes in your life that you’re on their side by participating in Dudevember by Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana! Together, we can change the lives of men and the people who love them.


Consider hosting an awareness and fundraising campaign at your workplace! Dudevember is a great way for employers to show they care about their team’s health. It’s an excellent opportunity for team-building by letting your employees frame up the activity, get engaged, and take pride in their community.

Improve awareness for men’s health amongst your employees.
Men and women benefit from educational information about men’s health, especially risk factors for cancer.

Show employees you care about their health.
Healthier employees mean a healthier bottom line for your business.

Support a positive work culture.
Dudevember is a great opportunity for internal team-building.

Contact Audrey Mumma, Director of Communications, at 260-484-9560 or amumma@cancer-services.org with questions or to confirm your participation.