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Step away from the familiar down a path toward positive change

by Gail Hamm, program director

“…you need only step away from the well-worn circular path to explore the untried paths that lie beyond it…”

Daily OM, Begetting Change: Same Choices, Same Results, Feb 6, 2012

It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and stay there, whether it’s a mundane day-to-day work situation, a going-nowhere relationship, or deep grief over any life situation. You know you are stuck when each day brings the same unfulfilled feelings, and you believe that there is no way out of the situation. In that frame of mind, it seems that nothing can or will change.

The secret of escape is to realize the situation will never change unless you do. It means changing the dance… that is, not doing the same thing over and over. How many times do you keep trying to unlock the door until you realize you are using the wrong key? How many times do you flip the light switch before you realize the power is off or the bulb has burned out? Doing the same thing over and over will not change the outcome.

So as you take another lap down that rut, remember: “you need only step away from the well-worn circular path to explore the untried paths that lie beyond it…”