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Choose Hope

by Dianne May, president & CEO

Peter, one of our client advocates, shared this quote at a recent staff meeting: “In facing the unknown, hope is as reasonable as despair.”

It seems to me this is a great response to those people who put a lot of effort into interpreting cancer statistics and trying to figure out how it applies to them or their loved one. I can’t count the number of times I have heard oncologists say they wish their patients wouldn’t pay so much attention to mortality rates and survivorship statistics. They are quick to point out, each patient is different and likewise, cancers can vary a great deal. There is little to be gained by an individual patient trying to fit the statistics to his or her own situation.

Instead, imagine making hope your choice.

I’m not advocating wearing blinders during the cancer journey. It is important to see and understand what is going on around you and what is happening to your body. Patients need to be active participants in their healthcare and recovery. And that active participation can also mean deciding for yourself that you will have hope. Hope for recovery. Hope for better days. Hope for joy and laughter.

Hope for deeper and stronger relationships. Hope for tomorrow. Go ahead, choose hope.